65 Best Podcasts (2025): True Crime, Culture, Science, Fiction

65 Best Podcasts (2025): True Crime, Culture, Science, Fiction

65 Best Podcasts (2025): True Crime, Culture, Science, Fiction

Podcasts have become a popular form of entertainment and education in recent years, with a wide range of topics and genres to choose from. In 2025, there are countless podcasts available for listeners to enjoy, covering everything from true crime to culture, science, and fiction. Here are 65 of the best podcasts to check out:

True Crime Podcasts:

  1. Serial
  2. My Favorite Murder
  3. Crime Junkie
  4. Dr. Death
  5. Criminal

Culture Podcasts:

  1. This American Life
  2. Stuff You Should Know
  3. Radiolab
  4. Pop Culture Happy Hour
  5. Culture Gabfest

Science Podcasts:

  1. Science Vs
  2. StarTalk Radio
  3. Stuff To Blow Your Mind
  4. Hidden Brain
  5. The Infinite Monkey Cage

Fiction Podcasts:

  1. Welcome to Night Vale
  2. The Bright Sessions
  3. Lore
  4. Alice Isn’t Dead
  5. Limetown

Whether you’re into true crime, culture, science, or fiction, there is a podcast out there for you. These 65 podcasts are just a taste of what’s available in 2025, so start exploring and find your new favorite show!

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